When you are creating your products how do you know what will resonate with your customers?   How can you create products and stay two steps ahead of your competition?  Consumer marketing trends! This is going to be your secret weapon when it comes to creating products that are going to leave your customers wanting […]

A computer on a desk with a notebook and coffee cup

We hear this all the time in the entrepreneurial world – if we manifest our goals they will happen!  But what if the practice of manifesting our goals is actually causing us to not achieve our business dreams?   Today’s guest, Rachel Tenney, is bringing a thought-provoking conversation to us where she notes that manifesting […]

Inspired person!

Are you ready to take your business to the next level of growth?  And you know that hiring the right team member is crucial for the growth and success of your business.  But where do you even start with bringing on a new hire? What are some best practices that you should note before you […]

women sitting at table talking with computer