Redefining Wealth as a Female Entrepreneur

mindset, personal growth • June 12, 2024

If you had told me I would be writing an article on redefining wealth a year ago, you may have never heard me say these two words..

“I quit”

Those were the 2 words I spoke to my boss last year.
I handed in my badge, my laptop and walked out the door.
OK, it sounds a lot more dramatic than it really was. My company and I parted on good terms.
You see, I had spent 17 years in executive sales and I was just burnt out.
I was done.

Maybe you can relate?

Frustrated Woman with Head in Hands

I was over the inauthentic, arrogant sales tactics being taught.
Tired of the hustle culture – do more at whatever the cost.
And ready to create my own dream and work towards a business I could be proud of. 
A business built on integrity, grace, and humility.

I believe it’s time we redefine wealth as an entrepreneur.

You will hear lots of businesses boast of six and seven figure years. 
You will see lots of ads for sales coaches as they hop into their expensive cars and private airplanes.
Making money is a great thing. Scripture even teaches us the value in our profits.

I can certainly teach you that, but what good is revenue if your expenses eat all your profits? (Trust me – I’ve been there.)

What is so great about the expensive car when you used inauthentic sales tactics to earn it? (ugh- Been here too.)

It took me years, but I have finally learned that wealth is more than financial success.

Wealth I can be proud of as an entrepreneur is yes- financial stability, but also time spent with family, a business that makes a positive impact, a community of clients that I LOVE , the ability to use my gifts for God’s glory.

Sometimes our greatest lessons have to be learned on the other side of fear. It takes courage to walk the road less travelled.

I’m eight months into this entrepreneur life and my paycheck may not look anything like what it did in corporate America (yet), but let me tell you, I am wealthier than I ever have been. That is redefining wealth.

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