5 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me About Entrepreneurship

podcast • October 2, 2024

As I celebrate 1 year since leaving my corporate job to chase my entrepreneurial dreams, I’m reflecting on the valuable lessons I’ve learned along the way.  

I’ve had my highest highs and lowest lows as an entrepreneur and today I’m sharing with you 5 things I wish someone had told me about when it came to this entrepreneurship journey. 

 Let’s delve into the five critical insights I gained, which I believe will help anyone considering a similar leap of faith. 

Quote from Andee Hart, host of the She Sells Differently podcast, where she is speaking about her entrepreneurship journey. Quote reads "It has been a year since I left my corporate sales job and walked out the doors of a 17 year career in sales that I actually loved, took the risk of a lifetime and pursued my dreams of entrepreneurship. It is still crazy to me, and I have to pinch myself that I get to wake up every morning doing something that brings me so much joy"

The Journey Demands everything you have 

Courage and Confidence are the pillars of entrepreneurship 

Transitioning from a secure corporate job to the uncertain waters of entrepreneurship demands tremendous courage and confidence.  

My journey required more than just a business plan; it demanded inner strength, an unshakeable belief in my mission, and the confidence to weather numerous storms.  

But the rewards—the personal growth, the fulfillment of aligning my work with my purpose—have been immense. 

Embracing self-discipline and tenacity in this entrepreneurship journey 

Leaving a structured corporate environment for the uncharted territories of self-employment taught me the importance of self-discipline.  

There is no boss to set deadlines or accountability measures; you have to be your own motivator.  

Tenacity became a vital attribute, especially during challenging times when results didn’t seem to align with my efforts. 

Relying on faith and grit 

Faith and spirituality also played crucial roles in my journey.  

Leaning into my faith, especially during moments of doubt, has anchored my confidence.  

And remembering that the Lord has brought me on this journey and that he’s already gone before me.  

So, on the days when you feel completely depleted of all of your confidence and of all of your self-discipline, of all of your heart and of all of your tenacity and your grit, we can rest That the Lord is sufficient and he will provide, and that will grow you and stretch you and draw you into him so much more.  

And for that, if I have learned nothing else in the past year, that has been my greatest gift to be drawn closer to the Lord and to rely on his confidence and his discipline and to see his heart for me, and his tenacity, and his grit, and his love for me, and his promises for my life and my business. 

Entrepreneurship is a roller coaster 

    Entrepreneurship is unlike any other career path.  

    You could be on your highest high one day, celebrating a huge victory, and then just the lowest low the next day, once again, thinking, what am I doing here?  

    So, really understanding that you have to be ready and willing to learn at every turn.  

    Establishing daily rhythms for success 

      Identifying a daily routine that suits your personal and professional needs is crucial for productivity and well-being.  

      Early in my journey, I learned that my productivity peaks later in the day. Adjusting my schedule to start working at 10 AM and possibly extending into the evening was transformative for my business. 

      One of the most challenging yet necessary skills I’ve honed is setting healthy boundaries.  

      Friends and acquaintances often assume that being self-employed means you’re available at all hours.  

      However, safeguarding my work hours and learning to politely decline invitations has been essential for staying focused and productive.  

      Because, saying no to distractions is saying yes to your dream. 

      Building a supportive network 

        Entrepreneurship can be isolating if you try to go it alone.  

        I have learned to set aside my pride and ask for help.  

        There’s an incredible community of fellow entrepreneurs willing to share their wisdom and support.  

        Engaging with this community has provided both practical advice and emotional encouragement. 

        And fostering reciprocal relationships is just as important as asking for help.  

        Being there for fellow entrepreneurs, collaborating on projects, and offering your support creates a network that enriches both your business and personal life.  

        Networking is not just about what you can gain but also about what you can give. 

        Expect challenges and celebrate progress 

          One of my biggest pet peeves is seeing coaches that say, do this and you will get these results in a month. 

          And the reality is, is that these results may not work for you.  

          Results take time.  

          What you need to hear is not that you’re going to make 6 or 7 figures in 2 months, but you need to hear to never give up. That consistency is key. True sustainable success takes time. And it is going to be one of the most rewarding adventures that you’ve ever been on. 

          But you have to remember that there are going to be challenges, and you are on a unique journey that is different than anyone else.  

          And so, if you can truly seek progress and not perfection, and learn to be consistent, to never give up, then you will be successful over the long run.  

          I would love to hear what you have to add to this list so make sure to DM me on Instagram and let me know! 

          And if you would like to listen to the full episode you can do so here!

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