How Strategic Product Packaging Can Boost Your Sales

podcast • September 18, 2024

A surprising statistic shows that 72% of American consumers stated that they were influenced by a product packaging design and many studies have shown that consumers make judgements about a product solely based on the product’s packaging. 

Image is of Andee Hart, host of the she sell's differently podcast, covering her mouth in surprise and the quote says "72% of American consumers stated that they were influenced by a product packaging design. And many studies indicate that a lot of consumers make judgements about a product solely based on the product's packaging."

I know I’m guilty of shopping online or in stores and making a decision on a product based on its packaging because it’s a part of our consumer psychology to be attracted to products based on packaging. 

Today we are going to dive into 4 key ways that your product packaging can help sell more of your products. And this is key because many times your packaging is the first thing consumers see so it’s absolutely essential that your product is packaged correctly. 

4 Key ways product packaging can help you sell more products 

Think of your packaging as a silent salesperson 

The first key way that your packaging can help you sell more of your products is to start thinking of your packaging as a silent salesperson for your products. 

When you have eye catching packaging, it helps grab the attention of consumers, especially when your products are on crowded shelves. 

You want packaging that helps make your product stand out on those shelves among competitors.  

It also helps build the quality of your product, meaning if your packaging is flimsy or it doesn’t stand up over time, it says a lot to the consumer about what’s inside of that packaging and ultimately, the overall quality of your product itself.  

So, high quality packaging materials really can convey the value and the quality of the product inside and essentially reduce hesitation and make it more likely that the consumer will purchase your product.  

And then, of course, it creates an impact on the shelf. The colors, the shapes, the designs, even the textures help create a visual impact that draws your customer and ultimately leads to more sales.  

So, by helping to attract attention and build that quality and trust and creating that impact with the colors, shapes, and designs, you’re packaging truly is acting as a silent salesperson on a crowded shelf to help you sell when you are not there to sell in person.  

Your product packaging can help communicate important information about your product.  

You want to have clear messaging to highlight the importance of essential product information.  

This could be things like benefits, the usage, the ingredients of your product, and having that right on the packaging will really help customers make an informed decision of whether or not they are going to purchase your product. It also helps solve potential problems quickly. 

Enhancing customer experience 

The third element of product packaging is enhancing the customer experience, not only in the store, but beyond the store as well.  

Think about the ease of handling and the actual storage of your products, and how practical packaging can help easily handle, stack, store, and create a protective barrier for your product.  

And not only that, but it’s also appealing for your retailers to help showcase and restock your products. In addition, it also encourages repeat purchases.  

Great product packaging that I have seen includes refillable containers, reusable packaging, and attractive designs that customers want to keep.  

And this packaging encourages consumers to be loyal to that brand and purchase refillable to purchase refills for those containers.  

Another way to increase the customer experience is to create a memorable unboxing moment.  

A unique and engaging packaging experience can really encourage word-of-mouth referrals and also those repeat purchases when there is a beautiful package that they get to experience unwrapping and unboxing.  

I want you to think about Christmas morning when you love unwrapping that package that is beautifully and decoratively crafted. It is the same way with your product packaging, and when you can create that memorable moment for your customer, they are going to want to come back time and time again and also share that referral with their friends and family and give your products as gifts as well.  

Supporting retailer sales efforts  

The 4th way to increase your sales with your product packaging is to help support retailer sales efforts, and you can do this by providing retailers with selling tools.  

One of my favorite ways to do this is to have built in marketing elements directly on your products packaging. This could look like QR codes with links to video tutorials.   

You could have recipes on there. You could have usage ideas for your specific products, but what this does is it helps retailers educate customers and drive sales for your products. And when retailers are able to sell your products, they are ultimately going to come back and purchase more from you.  

Anytime that you can create a way to make sales easier for your retailers, that is a win-win for both you, the retailer, and ultimately the customer as well.  

So, the next time you are thinking through your product packaging, I want you to think about these four ways that your packaging really influences the sales of your products.  

Remember that packaging really acts as a silent sales person for your products. It can help communicate key information quickly. It enhances the customer experience in store and beyond, and it also supports your retailers’ sales efforts. 

And this may be the perfect time for you to take an audit of your product packaging and consider implementing 1 or 2 of these strategies to better to help increase your sales and better support your retailers.  

If you need help or would like a 1-on-1 product packaging audit, I would be happy to sit down with you and let’s walk through your product packaging together and see how we can improve it with a few of these strategies so that you are selling more to your consumers and your retailers.

So, if you are ready to dive into an often-overlooked but crucial aspect of your business you can listen to my full episode here!

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