Celebrating 1 Year of Highlights & Podcast Growth on The She Sells Differently Podcast 

podcast • February 26, 2025

What does it take to launch a podcast that ranks alongside industry giants like Jenna Kutcher and Amy Porterfield and has real sustainable podcast growth? 

It’s been one year since I’ve launched the She Sells Differently Podcast! And to celebrate I’m collaborating with someone that is probably the one person that knows more about my podcast than I do and that is my podcast manager, Liz Chapman and we are going to talk about my podcast growth and go behind-the-scenes of the podcast. 

What does a podcast manager do and how you help the She Sells Differently podcast on the back end? 

Once I record your podcast, it gets uploaded into Google Drive. And then from there, everything goes to Liz.  

So, she edit’s the She Sells Differently Podcast, writes your show notes and the email to announce the new episode, and she writes a blog post to go with the episode. And she also creates the graphics and reels. 

Liz notes that all Andee has to do is record, and then once I looks over everything, it all then gets scheduled out so that it’s a really automated process.  

Because as you know, having a podcast can take a lot of time. So, once I’ve done the recording, that time goes back to me so that I don’t have to do any of those additional pieces, and I can do more of the things that I like to do. 

I like to say that Liz is like the fairy godmother of broadcasting. Because when I get done recording, it’s so nice to just, like, upload that and be done with it. I love it.  

The power of delegation and trust in your business and with your podcast growth 

And I will say this too, just to be able to trust someone with that part of your business is so nice.  

Liz notes to be able to trust somebody is huge. And to take somebody into the back end of your business does take a lot of trust to be able to put into people.  

Delegating tasks not only streamlines operations but also opens up more opportunities for podcast growth and creativity in other areas of a business. 

The power of an effective lead magnet in your business 

I found Liz through her 60-minute Podcast Launch workshop and she uses it as a lead magnet to get people onto her email list so that she can nurture them and bring them into her services.  

And as I was going through the workshop and taking so many notes, I was thinking I can launch this podcast on my own but I didn’t have time. 

And Liz notes that is one of the reasons she loves launching podcasts. Is that she helps them with that lack of time and holding us responsible to launch our podcasts since many of us have been thinking about launching for years. 

The strategy and execution behind launching the She Sells Differently Podcast 

I had been wanting to launch a podcast for a long time just to serve my audience and to teach and to really bring them into kind bring them into my sphere of influence.  

And I just really had no clue where to start, and Liz had everything organized. And so, I want to share a little bit about the launch process because that actually blew my mind. 

Liz shares that podcast launches are her favorite thing because we start where you are really just unsure what you’re doing. And by the time we’re done, it’s like you’ve spread your wings and you’re flying kind of thing.  

For the launch we utilize Airtable, and everything is laid out in Airtable. So, from developing the idea to a marketing plan to recording, and then once you’ve recorded, everything comes back to Liz.  

So, those first few weeks are very you heavy where you’re developing your idea and we are doing keyword research because SEO is huge when it comes to podcasting, so that’s a big focus.  

And then once I’m done recording, Liz handles the rest of it up to launch day.  

And there was a marketing plan in place and we called it a pod party. 

Liz walked me through the pod party.  

Podcast Growth on Launch Day 

And what happened was on launch day, because we had marketed it correctly to a lot of people, I launched at number 39 on the Apple charts for marketing, which is, massive because that is one of the hardest charts to rank on, which Liz notes that I do month-over-month.  

The podcast continues to chart month-over-month on the Apple charts.  

And then the coolest part is, I was up there with Jenna Kutcher and Amy Porterfield and those are really big names in the podcasting space, and there was the She Sells Differently podcast right there with them. So that was really awesome. 

That blew my mind that I ranked so high on the charts. I never even thought that that was possible.  

So, it makes me so excited for 2025 because if I was able to launch like that and consistently rank I just can’t wait to see the kind of podcast growth we will have this year. 

And the She Sells Differently Podcast is a top 5% globally ranked podcast as well!  

And Liz notes that she thinks of it as a snowball.  

So, you started at this number of downloads, and you have just gained momentum, and you continue to gain momentum like we talked about in September. And in October, you doubled your downloads.  

And the She Sells Differently Podcast has grown 2270% in just under a year. That is so much growth. 

And our marketing plan shows the significance of strategic planning, audience engagement, and its impact on your podcast growth right from the start. 

Image is a quote from Liz Chapman, guest on the She Sells Differently Podcast, episode Celebrating 1 Year of Highlights & Podcast Growth w/ Liz Chapman and it says "you've grown your podcast in just under a year to know, 2270%. That is so much growth"

Podcasting as a tool for business growth 

I think what one of the things that is really so exciting to me is that I will have a conversation with a potential client, and they will say, “I’ve been listening to your podcast for months now.”  

And that’s so exciting to me because to know that they have been following for so long, and just the hard work is paying off. And so, it really is a tool to serve my audience well and that they’re learning, and they’re able to make an impact on their business. 

Advice for aspiring podcasters 

Liz offers valuable advice to those considering starting their own podcasts: don’t give up too soon.  

Many podcasters abandon their journey before seeing the fruits of their labor, often because they focus too heavily on initial download numbers.  

Persistence, resilience, and a long-term vision are important elements for those looking to build a successful podcast that stands the test of time.  

Tips for using a podcast to build trust and expertise 

Liz shares that she is seeing a big move towards incorporating stories.  

So, it’s really great to teach and show your expertise, but having those stories to really draw your listener in and connect with you on a more emotional level makes a huge difference because anybody can teach, but they’re connecting with you for a reason.  

You want to have that one-to-one personal connection.  

So, the biggest tip would be to create that connection on a personal level because I’m going to connect with you more over a story you told then just straight teaching. 

What to expect in season 2 of the She Sells Differently Podcast 

I am super excited to bring you more selling secrets this season, a lot of wholesale content because I know we have a lot of product makers that are wanting to really dive into wholesale.  

We’re going to have a lot of guests this year and industry experts.  

About Liz Chapman

Image is of Liz Chapman, podcast manager, and guest on the She Sells Differently podcast, she is smiling at the camera with headphones on and a microphone near her mouth

Liz Chapman is a podcast producer and launch specialist, helping busy solopreneurs turn their podcast dreams into reality, without the overwhelm. She’s all about making the process simple, strategic, and stress-free so you can grow your visibility, attract your ideal audience, and use your podcast as a powerful marketing and lead generation tool. 

Connect with Liz Chapman 


Podcast Launch Simplified – https://podcastlaunchsimplified.com/yes?am_id=andeehart


And if you would like to hear my full conversation with Liz you can do so here – https://andeehart.com/podcast/

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