The Power of Valuing Your Products

sales • February 20, 2024

I was at a holiday market and saw a vendor with beautiful hand-poured candles.  If there is one thing I love my home to smell like this season, it is a fresh pine tree. (I miss having a real Christmas tree!)

She had several candles to choose from and as I was sniffing around taking my time making up my mind, she offered a discount on her candles.

I was a bit stunned. I would have paid more than what she was charging in the first place, and now she offers me a discount? Why? 

Did she think I need an extra incentive to buy?

Did she think her candles weren’t worth her asking price?

Was she nervous she would lose a sale?

To be honest, the offer of a discount almost caused me to walk away because I actually started to wonder what was wrong with the candles.

Of course, I knew from experience nothing was wrong with them…

You see, we often undervalue our products and services because we are fearful of what others think. 

“What I bring to the table is not good enough.”

“I don’t deserve to make this money.”

“What will others think if I fail?”

“No one will pay this much.”

The fact is that if they are judging, then they are NOT your customer. When you have a good product, you owe it to the world to share it.

Let me say that again – when you have a good product, you owe it to the world to share it!

People need what you have to offer. And you cannot help people if you are undervaluing yourself and what you bring to the table. 

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